Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Fun in the Forest at Studio B

Although the holiday weekend was shortened by cold rainy weather, we both made advances in our gardens. Beth finished the golf garden and screen room, so this week's recording was done in the forest retreat. Laura planted lots of flower seeds and battled insects, as well as gaining ground at the community garden. We also talk a bit about our very favorite garden tools and the travails of water transportation. Click the link to go to the podcast (stream or download), and scroll down for pictures. Additional pictures from Laura in this separate post.

Take me to podbean so I can listen!
Shrubs installed for golf garden

Golf garden ready for action!

Screen room, with golf net in background

Wild vines attacking azaleas - gone now!

Beth's favorite garden tools

Close up of the family heirloom scratcher thingy

1 comment:

  1. Found the answer to the bug question - spotted asparagus beetle. Ugh.
